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Forever Living Products for Piles Treatment

Original price was: ₦65,000.00.Current price is: ₦60,000.00.


Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid.This combination is in the permanent cure as it contains 3 important products 1 aloe vera gel Forever Aloe Vera Gel Drink maintains a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level. It helps to cleanse and as well detoxify all chemicals in the body system. The main focus is to bring the body system back to its natural state which in turn leads to healthy living. PREVENTION OF DISEASES Food additives and chemically processed foods are big threats to our health. Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid


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Forever Living Products for Piles Treatment.

Piles are swellings or swollen hemorrhoids that occur inside and around the anus, and along the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers in the anal canal. Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid
Everyone has hemorrhoids. However, when the hemorrhoids guarding the anal passage become too big due to inflammation, so that the vein walls become stretched, thin, and irritated by passing bowel movements, that is when piles develop. Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

In most cases, piles go away on their own.

Piles can be broadly classified into two categories:

  • Internal Piles – are located far within the rectum, and can’t be seen or felt. The only symptom is usually bleeding.
    Internal piles can be classified into 4 grades:

    • Grade1: These are tiny hemorrhoids within the lining of the anus.

    • Grade 2: These hemorrhoids too lie within the anus and are slightly larger than grade 1 hemorrhoids. These hemorrhoids may get pushed out while passing stool but return to the original position on their own.

    • Grade 3: These are also known as ‘prolapsed hemorrhoids. They appear outside the anus. The patient can push them back in by pressing against them with his fingers.

    • Grade 4: These hemorrhoids cannot be pushed back and stay outside the anus at all times. They need to be treated by a doctor who usually suggests surgery.

  • External Piles –  are located around the anus right under the skin, where there are many pain-sensing nerves. They, therefore, hurt as well as bleed.

Anyone at any age can be affected by piles. Though it has been observed that people over 45 years of age usually get affected by piles.Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

About 50% of people experience this condition at some time in their life. Women who are pregnant too experience it. Though it is not clear what causes hemorrhoids, researchers think this might be an inherited condition of weak veins or varicose veins leading to hemorrhoids. Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

How do piles occur?

Hemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers in the anal canal. Piles are hemorrhoids that have become inflamed. Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

Internal hemorrhoids form when blood vessels inside the rectum become swollen and engorged.

External hemorrhoids can occur due to increased pressure caused by obesity, pregnancy, sitting or standing for long hours at a stretch, straining on the toilet, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, and holding your breath while straining to do strenuous physical labor. Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

Who is prone to piles?

Some people are more prone to developing piles than others. There could be a variety of reasons for it:

  • genetic predisposition to piles, meaning weak veins can be genetic leading to weak rectal vein walls or week venous valves

  • less fiber in the diet can cause constipation which can lead to the formation of piles

  • poor bathroom habits

  • pregnancy

  • excessive coughing or sneezing

  • constant sitting or standing for long hours at a stretch

  • excessive straining, rubbing or cleaning around the anus

  • regularly holding breath while straining to perform some physical labor

  • being obese

What are the causes of piles?

The primary causes of piles include:

  • genetic predisposition to piles

  • lack of fiber in the diet

  • inadequate fluid intake

  • sedentary lifestyle

  • stress

  • straining while passing stool

  • constipation and diarrhea

  • constant sitting or standing for long hours at a stretch

  • sitting for long periods of time on the toilet

  • anal intercourse

  • pregnancy

  • constant heavy lifting

  • being obese

  • previous surgery of the bowel

  • constriction of intestine following a surgery

  • spinal cord injury that leads to the bladder and rectal dysfunction

  • dysfunction of the floor of the pelvis

What are the symptoms of piles? How are piles diagnosed?

The symptoms of piles include:

  • bright red bleeding from the anus. Blood may streak the bowel movement or the toilet paper.

  • pain during bowel movements

  • painful swelling or a lump near the anus

  • anal itching

  • mucous discharge from the anus

  • hard lump around the anus

  • the area around the anus becomes red and sore

What are the complications of piles?

The complications of piles include:

  • bleeding during bowel movements

  • anemia

  • pain during bowel movements

  • piles cause complications associated with hygiene, as the anal area becomes difficult to clean after defecation

  • poor hygiene around the anal area can lead to several infections

  • itchiness around the anal area

  • gangrene, if the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is cut off

Forever Living Products

Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid.This combination is in the permanent cure as it contains 3 important products 1 aloe vera gel Forever Aloe Vera Gel Drink maintains a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level. It helps to cleanse and as well detoxify all chemicals in the body system. The main focus is to bring the body system back to its natural state which in turn leads to healthy living. PREVENTION OF DISEASES Food additives and chemically processed foods are big threats to our health. Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid
Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid
Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid
Forever Natural Pile Treatment Pack-Hemorrhoid

Now that is how you treat Haemorrhoids the Forever Way. So for all those butt clenching moments, the twitching in your seats, the secretive butt scratching, facial expressions from pain when squatting…all that should be a thing of the past now.
  • Natural effective and fast action against PILE
  • Made from 100% pure organic ingredients – No side effects
  • Help to reduce the pain
  • It can stop the bleeding and itching
  • Contains properties that can stop further swelling or inflammation of the vein
  • NAFDAC Approved
  • Certified by international organizations – IASC



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